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Additional tips for currency exchange in Argentina

  1. Exchange rates: Rates can vary depending on the exchange location. Often, the best rates are offered at specialized exchange offices, rather than hotels or airports.
  2. Safety: Always be aware of your surroundings when exchanging money. It’s best to avoid exchanging money in secluded or less populated areas, especially after dark.
  3. Small change: It’s always handy to have some small change, especially if you plan to visit local markets or small stores where large bills might not be accepted.
  4. Fees and commissions: Before exchanging, always ask about fees and possible commissions. Some exchange places might lure you in with favorable rates but charge high fees.
  5. Receipts and confirmation: Always ask for a receipt or a document that confirms the transaction when exchanging money. This can be useful in case of exchange issues or refunds.
  6. “Blue rate”: In the past, Argentina had a so-called “blue rate” where the dollar was exchanged at an unofficial rate. If you encounter such an offer, be cautious and make sure you understand the risks.

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